Lavender, a.k.a. the loving grandmother of essential oils, has a scent that's a wonderful blend of fresh, floral, clean, and calm. It's this dynamic aroma that has made the plant a classic for perfumes, soaps, fresheners, and beauty products!

Lavender is a great beginner oil and a must for every home. Lavender is also highly versatile -- from skin care products to relaxing routines, this oil can infuse and enhance many areas of your life!

Lavender Background
  • Lavender is part of the mint family and is one of Young Living's most popular oils
  • Young Living has three farms that grow lavender - Utah, Idaho, and France
  • It takes 27 square feet of lavender plants to make one 15 mL bottle of Lavender essential oil
  • You can find Lavender essential oil in many Young Living blends, including Stress Away, Tranquil, RutaVaLa, Forgiveness, and Harmony
Daily Habits with Lavender
Add Lavender to your relaxation routine...
  • Unwind in the evening with a calming, Lavender-infused neck or back massage. Feeling tense? Add a little Peppermint and Frankincense!
  • Use Lavender as part of a bedtime routine by rubbing it on the bottoms of your feet and diffusing it next to your bed.
  • Help little ones calm down for bedtime with gentle Lavender massage. Mix 1 Tbsp carrier oil with 5 drops Lavender and gently massage legs, arms, and back.
  • Add 10 drops of Lavender to 1 cup of magnesium flakes or epsom salt to a bath to create a relaxing environment. We also love adding Peace & Calming or Frankincense to the mix!
Add Lavender to your wellness routine...
  • Reach for Lavender to release tension.
  • Head On Roller: 20 drops Peppermint, Copaiba, Lavender, 10 drops Frankincense. Fill with V-6 carrier or carrier oil of choice and roll over temples, across the forehead, on the back of the neck and shoulders.
  • Use Lavender to support the airways when air quality is less than ideal:
    • Seasons Change Roller Blend: 15 drops each Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint, Tea Tree, Copaiba, then fill with carrier. Roll over the chest, wrists, just below the nostrils. This also makes a great combination for an epsom salt bath or a diffuser blend!
    • Add 5 drops each Lavender and Copaiba to 1 cup fine grain sea salt or organic salt and mineral solution and mix well. To use, dilute 1 tsp of mixture with 8-12 oz distilled water to make a DIY nasal rinse solution for use in a netipot.
    • Use a drop of Lavender Vitality under the tongue or swiped on the inside of the cheek.


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