Easter Diffuser Blends

Easter is a time of renewal, of gathering and of hope. Fill your space with these fresh, uplifting blends as you gather with those you love this Easter season.

Peace, Be Still
5 drops Peace & Calming + 3 drops Tangerine + 3 drops Lavender

5 drops Vanilla + 3 drops Ylang Ylang + 3 drops Lemon

Jelly Beans
4 drops Stress Away + 3 drops Tangerine + 2 drops Lemon + 2 drops Ylang Ylang

Egg Hunt
4 drops Jade Lemon + 3 drops Eucalyptus Radiata + 3 drops Lavender

Bunny Hop
3 drops Grapefruit + 2 drops Orange + 2 drops Lemon + 2 drops Jade Lemon + 3 drops Valor

Hope is Here
4 drops Envision + 4 drops Lime + 3 drops Valor

You can also easily transform these blends into roller recipes and sprays!
  • To make a 10mL roller from any recipe: triple the number of drops to make a total of 35-45 total drops, add a carrier of choice (we love V-6 Vegetable Complex) and you're good to go!
  • To make a 2 oz spray from any recipe: double the number of drops to a total of about 25 drops, add a splash of witch hazel and fill with filtered water. Spray on upholstered surfaces, bedding, rugs, anywhere you want to freshen!