Interesting Oil Facts!

Whether you are a long time user of essential oils or just a newbie, there is still so much to know about EOs. They are incredible little drops of goodness!

About 100 trillion cells make up the human body. And then this blows my mind: essential oils are composed of around 40 million trillion molecules in every single drop! Want to see that number written out?



After giggling about that looking like a completely made up number, let's talk about what it means. Because the molecules are obviously so teeny tiny, they're able to pass through our tissues, directly into our cells. And everything we put onto our skin goes into our systems, right? Right.

So how about these liquid rockstars made up of 40 million trillion molecules each? How much more are they going to infiltrate our systems? I read that by simply placing a drop of Peppermint oil on the bottom of your feet, in 20 minutes your entire body will have that 40 million trillion molecules inside... AND that gives EACH cell in your body 400,000 molecules each. 😳

Let's move onto the blood brain barrier. It's a very, very important part of our bodies that protects our brain from harmful chemicals reaching it. It's strong. It matters a whole lot, but it also prevents some things that might be REALLY GOOD from getting to our brain and doing what they need to do.

They say it takes a molecule with less than 1,000 Daltons or amu (atomic mass units) in weight, and maybe even less than 400 in order for a molecule to cross the blood brain barrier.

Great news! Even one of the heaviest essential oils, Clary Sage, weighs in 308 Daltons. That's totally less than 400! It can cross the blood brain barrier! 🙌

SUMMARY: The molecules in essential oils, which are really super tiny, are also really super powerful. Get them into your bod, cuz they support systems and keep us well like nothing I've ever seen!
Special thanks to Jen O'Sullivan for writing a really awesome book that have us ALL SORTS of fired up.