Open the windows and let the sunshine in! March is here and with it, the hint of spring. And we are ready! These blends will freshen up your home and bring the feeling of cool, crisp morning and sunny afternoons.

These recipes mix in herbaceous scents from an early spring garden with fresh favorites like Lemongrass that are perfect any time of day. These oils are wonderful for supporting immune and respiratory health as we head into the changing seasons, and they are great for our emotions as well!

You can also easily transform these blends into roller recipes and sprays!
  • To make a 10mL roller from any recipe: triple the number of drops to make a total of 35-45 total drops, add a carrier of choice (we love V-6 Vegetable Complex) and you're good to go!
  • To make a 2 oz spray from any recipe: double the number of drops to a total of about 25 drops, add a splash of with hazel and fill with filtered water. Spray on upholstered surfaces, bedding, rugs, anywhere you want to freshen!


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