⭐️ Business Bonus Update ⭐️

The $25 Starter Bundle Bonus is back!!!

Starting Saturday, April 9, we'll send you a $25 bonus every time your new customers purchase a qualifying Premium Starter Bundle while supplies last! Choose from some of Young Living's best-selling products to find the perfect bundle for any customer. Read below for everything you need to know about this special offer.

Who can participate?
  • All brand partners can earn a $25 Starter Bundle Bonus for each new customer they refer who purchases a qualifying Premium Starter Bundle
  • You can earn the $25 Starter Bundle Bonus on new personally enrolled customers, both one-time order or subscription, as well as reactivations that take place from April 1 to August 31 OR while Premium Starter Bundle supplies last
Please ask for the FAQs for all the details!


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