Vanilla at a Glance

Vanilla has a warm, rich, and slightly sweet aroma!
  • It can be diffused or applied topically to create a warm and tranquil environment.
  • It can be applied directly to the skin or added to your favorites hair and body care products.
  • It blends beautifully with essential oils and carrier oils for diffusion and topical application.
Vanilla extract is widely used in banking, perfume manufacturing and even aromatherapy. But many people don't realize the array of health benefits that come from using vanilla oil, even though it is not technically an essential oil. Young Living's Vanilla is an oleoresin and very unique. It has an incredible scent and some wonderful health benefits!
  • Contains antioxidant properties
  • Supports healthy hormone levels
  • Supports and uplifts mood
  • Supports the immune system
  • Assists with stress relief and calming the mind
But did you know?
  1. Vanilla is produce from Vanilla planifolia, an orchid that grows long bean pods.
  2. The process of obtaining Vanilla is extensive - takes up to 4 years for the vine to mature!
  3. The vine produces orchid blossoms that bloom for only 24 hours and must be pollinated by hand within 8-12 hours for the bean pod to grow!
  4. The entire process - growing, pollinating, drying, curing, and preparing for export - takes about ONE year!
  5. The mainstream process of vanilla extraction (to get vanilla extract or absolute) involves washing and soaking the ground vanilla beans in a solution of alcohol and water.
Who knew? 

GOOD THING! Noticing these flaws in mainstream vanilla extracts and absolutes, the D. Gary Young Research Institute worked to find a vanilla product that would meet the Seed-to-Seal quality commitment and blend well with out essential oils. The result is a first-of-its-kind extraction method that yields a Vanilla oleoresin in fractioned coconut oil that diffuses and blends beautifully with essential oils. SUCH a huge win for us!


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